Sunday, June 24, 2007

a thousand words (i hope)

A few more pictures from the Sudan trip. I fear that Africa may be the predominant blogging topic for a while - if that suits you, excellent; if not, bear with me.

I hope these images begin to capture the scope of activity, emotion, and atmosphere of our experience. I considered not including the rather graphic image of the slaughtered bull below, but I felt it would be dishonest not to attempt to show the full breadth of what we saw. Hope you find something you like within these images:


Anonymous said...

Though I am a big part of your extended "home", I can easily see why you might long for what you just left. These images are achingly beautiful- the land and the people. Thanks for sharing. Post more!

Maggie & Tommy Redram said...

WOW. Stunning. These are absolutely breathtaking. Thanks for sharing...

Joanna said...

These pictures are amazing.

Maggi said...

Oh, man, 1000 words indeed. I'm so glad you let me know about your blog ~ off to read the RTD piece now!