Monday, January 01, 2007

another trip around the sun

Well. The parties are over and now the new year can start in earnest. 2007 indeed.

I haven't quite gotten my brain in gear after the weekend festivities (Jack's 30th birthday party on the 30th with New Year's Eve nipping a bit too quickly at its heels). So, no thoughtful ruminations yet - insightful or otherwise - about the past year or the upcoming one. Just trying to "be" a little bit for a day or two and see how the new calendar feels before I begin making blanket statements about what has been or what will be. I did, however, make a mix CD just before Christmas - something of a personal musical retrospective of 2006. Not necessarily songs that were released this past year, just ones that captured my attention over the last 12 months. Let me know if you're interested and I'd be happy to mail you a copy.

Peace and blessings for a happy, healthy, fruitful 2007!


Anonymous said...

Did you really have to ask? Still reveling in "Rabbit Songs". Can't wait to see what else was great in '06! You know the address!!!

Maggie & Tommy Redram said...

Hey! Send me a copy!

lauren said...

didn't i just leave you a voice mail last month requesting a CAE mix? i think so. please please send one, i can hardly wait!!